You probably know at least one home remedy for cold and cough. Not all of these home remedies are safe for your child. When your child has a cough and cold, it is understandable that you feel worried. Your baby’s little nostrils full are full of snot. They look disinterested in everything including food. Unfortunately, most children will have several episodes of cough and cold during their childhood. So, you need to know how to help your baby or child through these episodes.
According to, little children can suffer serious harm from the use of over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. Therefore, do not use these for your little child. Home remedies are preferred for children less than 4 years old. However, not all home remedies are safe. Some are dangerous.
What is a safe home remedy for cold and cough?
- Suction to remove thick mucus from the nostrils of your baby, so they can breathe better. There are small suction equipment that you can purchase over the counter. Some mothers use their mouths to suction their babies’ nostrils. Although this is very effective, it can aid the transmission of germs from baby to mother and vice versa. Suctioning makes kids more comfortable and improves appetite. If the mucus is very thick, put a few drops of saline or salt water into your child’s nostrils to loosen it enough so that you can use a cotton swab to remove it. If your child is older, encourage them to blow their nose often into a disposable towel. Then assist or encourage them to wash their hands afterwards.
- A humidifier moistens the air in the atmosphere, so it doesn’t feel so dry and irritate a child’s nostrils when he has a cough or cold. Many African families make their children inhale steam from a warm towel. This is very soothing. But be careful to prevent home accidents from hot water burning your child.
- If your child is coughing, massage his or her chest to loosen mucus. You can use a mentholated ointment for this. For children older than 2, you can give them honey to soothe their throat and make the mucus in their chest thin. do not offer honey to a child less than 2 years old. It can cause botulism.
- Giving your baby or child a lot of water to drink when he has a cough and cold will help them recover more quickly. Encourage them to drink water, soups, porridges, or fresh juice. If your baby is not interested in breastfeeding, you can express the milk for them. They may accept that because it is easier and less tiring for them. Some people add into these fluids lime, ginger and other herbs and condiments for their child.
A dangerous home remedy
By far, one of the most dangerous home remedies for cough and cold is oil. Some communities instill oil into the nostrils of babies who have a cold, to stimulate them to sneeze and thereby clear their nostrils of mucus. This may be vegetable oil, melted shea butter, or anointing oil. People also give these oils to their babies to drink. Some use it as a remedy for tummy upset in babies.
The problem with oil in a baby’s nostrils is that a baby can breathe the oil into their lungs. Once this happens, depending on the quantity aspirated into the lungs, the baby’s lungs may not function well. Gas exchange will be difficult for the lungs of your baby. This may make your baby very sick. It may even become a matter of life and death. A similar thing can happen when you offer your baby oil to drink. They may accidentally inhale it into their lungs, causing the same problem. Additionally, oil in the lungs may make it easier for other germs to get into the lungs and cause pneumonia.
You need to make your child comfortable when he has a cough and cold. There are several home remedies to choose from, but oil is not a good one because it can make your baby very sick.