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The Many Secrets of Mango

By December 29, 2020No Comments3 min read

A mango is a stone fruit produced by the tropical fruit Mangifera. It is called a stone fruit because it has a single seed encased by a large and hard pit (a stone). The tropical fruit mango is a favourite in many households. It looks and tastes delicious, and is as healthful as it is beautiful. Both the skin and the pulp are amazing for the health of your little ones. After your little one turns 6 months, you can incorporate mangoes into his diet, and reap the many benefits of this versatile fruit.

Mangoes support the growth of your child

One cup of sliced mangoes has about 99 calories. Though not considered a high calorie food, it can support the healthy growth of your baby, preventing both under and overweight. The high vitamin A content of mango also promotes growth by its action as a helper in many cellular processes, including growth. Vitamin A is important for bone and teeth health as well.

Mangoes can improve gut health

Mangoes contain a high amount of fibre, about 2.6 g per cup. Fibre prevents constipation in your little one and promotes a healthy weight. Mangoes are high in water as well, keeping your little one hydrated and contributing to normal bowel movements.  They contain digestive enzymes which help in digestion and prevent intestinal discomfort.

Mangoes keep your child healthy

100g of mango contains more than 60% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C for your child. Vitamin C boosts immunity, and helps in absorption of iron from the diet.  Mangoes also contain small amounts of copper, folate, Vitamins E, B5, B6, niacin, potassium, riboflavin, manganese, thiamine and magnesium. One cup of mango contains a tenth to a quarter of your child’s daily Vitamin A needs. Vitamin A offers protection against several infections. Mangoes are also packed with antioxidants which can protect against chronic diseases.

Mangoes give your child beautiful skin and hair

The high vitamin C content of mango is necessary for formation of collagen. Collagen is part of the structure of skin and hair. It protects skin from wrinkling and sagging. Vitamin A, which is abundant in mango, is also necessary for hair growth and the production of sebum, which is a natural oil that moisturises the scalp.

Mangoes promote good eyesight.

Mangoes promote good eyesight through their high vitamin A content. A lack of Vitamin A leads to dry eyes, night blindness and corneal scarring which can lead to irreversible blindness.  

Mangoes can boost memory

Mangoes contain glutamine which can improve mental function and memory. They also contain good amounts of vitamin B6 which help improve concentration and boost memory. Because mangoes can help with the absorption of iron, they can improve concentration through the prevention of anaemia.

How can your child eat mangoes?

Mangoes are as healthy as they are versatile. You can puree it for your baby and feed it with a spoon. Or blend it into a mango shake. Blended, it can be mixed with milk.

You can also make mango popsicles as a healthier option for the icecream lover. The older toddler who wants to feed himself can have it as slices and feed himself or can have it as a salad.  Mangoes can also be added into your cupcakes. Remember though, that when diced as small cubes, it may present a choking hazard so only much older kids above 5 should have their mango served in this form.

Mangoes are a healthy option that can easily be incorporated into your child’s diet. They contain nutrients that boost immunity, promote healthy skin and hair, improve digestion and gut health as well as memory and concentration. Mangoes are great; go for them. 

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