Sadly, the Covid 19 pandemic is upon us. It is a disease of all age groups, although, mercifully, studies show that children are less affected than adults at this time. Be mindful though that children, when affected, can also experience severe disease and terrible outcomes. They may also transmit the disease even if they do not have symptoms. How do we take care of God’s precious gifts during this pandemic? Below are a few tips for you.
1.Clean hands are safe hands

Parents should use this period to emphasize the importance of clean hands. Teach your children how to wash their cute little hands with soap and running water thoroughly. If you sing the Happy Birthday song twice while washing, you would have washed your hands for at least 20 seconds (the way I sing it, it actually lasts 30 seconds). Hand sanitizers should be used only when it is not possible wash hands. When using hand sanitizers, fetch enough to make the hands wet and rub till the hands are dry. Two coin sized amounts should be enough.
2. A family that plays together, grows together

Make it lively at home. Play games and exercise together. They will build the child’s bones, strengthen muscles and maintain lung health which is important in defeating Covid. Gardening will also nurture your little one’s care instincts. Limit screen time as much as possible. Read, sing and dance together. If your child is allergic to dust, avoid dusty places and activities.
3. Stay home or mask it

Let the children stay at home. Do stay at home too. Use this time to bond. Where this is not possible, it would be better for you and your child to have a mask on, even if it is a homemade one.
4.Eat a rainbow

To prevent severe Covid 19, your little one needs to be well nourished. Cook healthy meals together. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat especially fruits and vegetables with different colours. They have healthy nutrients that can fight disease. If your little one is breastfeeding, continue to give him this most wholesome of all the foods God created.
5.Early to bed, late to rise
Let your child get enough sleep. The brain grows while children sleep. It helps keep them healthy and smart.
6.Better to be safe than sorry

Children are curious by nature, and often do not appreciate danger,leading to home accidents. Keep medicines, detergents and poisonous substances out of reach of your child. Do not keep hand sanitizers and poisonous substances in water bottles, lest your child mistakes them for water and takes a gulp. Do not leave your little child unattended at any time. Keep the floor clean and uncluttered to avoid falls. Let your child leave the kitchen when you do. Teach that fire is a good servant, but it can be a bad master too.
7.Keep in touch
Do not miss your Well-Child visits (what we popularly call weigh-in). If your child already has a chronic disease, please continue to follow through on doctors’ appointments and medications. Seek medical help if your child falls ill. If you suspect Covid, however, call the helplines first. If your child is a contact of a suspected or confirmed Covid patient, keep him or her away from other children while you organize for Covid testing. Bear in mind that so far, children have better tolerated this disease than adults. Do not panic.
Our precious children are beautiful gifts from God. Let us keep them healthy and safe. Let us also use this period to inculcate healthy habits, and build wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.