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9 Ways to Prevent and how to Treat Newborn Jaundice

By November 30, 20224 Comments5 min read

Newborn jaundice is common. More than half of all babies will get it. It is even commoner among preterm babies. Jaundice can be mild or severe, and it’s not always noticeable right away. It usually clears up on its own, but if you see any yellowing of your baby’s skin or eyes during the first week after birth, be sure to discuss it with your paediatrician.

Even though jaundice will clear up on its own, it can damage your baby’s brain if it is severe, before it clears up. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent or treat newborn jaundice to reduce the risk of any long-term effects. Here are 9 tips for preventing and treating newborn jaundice.

Plan your pregnancy

Plan your pregnancy to ensure that you are in optimum heath before getting pregnant. This gives you and your baby the best chances of the best outcomes. Your baby is more likely to be born in good health, at term. If you plan your pregnancy, you are more likely to be well enough to offer your baby the best care if you plan your pregnancy.

Care for your pregnancy

Attend antenatal appointments. Take your prenatal vitamins, eat well, rest well, exercise as you can tolerate and avoid stress. If you have any infections during pregnancy, they will be detected early and treated so your pregnancy will not be affected. Also, you will be given all the necessary immunizations you need while pregnant. These go to protect your baby when they are born.

Your delivery should be supervised

Have your baby only in a place licensed to provide delivery care. This way, trained people can help you and your baby. This reduces the risk of neonatal sepsis which is a common cause of severe newborn jaundice. It also ensures that your baby gets a newborn examination right away. During a newborn examination, if your baby is jaundiced, it will be detected. Treatment can then be started early.

Feed early to prevent newborn jaundice

Feed your baby early to help them to pass meconium. Meconium gets rid of the jaundice your baby may get. Early feeding also prevents dehydration, which can worsen jaundice. The best way to feed your baby is to offer only breastmilk for the first 6 months. However, for this to be successful, you need to start early. If you do not start early, it takes longer for you to produce enough breastmilk and that can cause your baby to be jaundiced. It is also more difficult to breastfeed successfully if you start later rather than earlier. Get your midwife to assist you to start early, whether you decide to breastfeed or to formula feed your baby.

Protect your baby from infections

Babies are not able to fight infections like adults do. Thankfully, very simple things can protect them from infections.

Breastfeeding gives babies strong immune systems. Wash your hands before you handle your baby if you have been to the toilet or have just returned from outdoors. Get your visitors to do same too. If possible, limit visitors especially anyone who has a cough, cold or a fever. Clean and sterilize all the equipment you use to feed your newborn-bottles, breast pumps, breast milk storage containers.

Avoid naphthalene balls and unprescribed medicines

Many babies have G6PD deficiency. Naphthalene balls and some medications cause them to break down their blood. This gives them jaundice. Until you are sure your baby does not have G6PD deficiency, do not keep naphthalene balls anywhere in your home. Also give your baby only medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Detect newborn jaundice early

Mild to moderate jaundice is quite hard to see if you do not pay attention to your baby’s skin and the white of their eyes, in good light. Jaundice that is mild or moderate is treated very easily. However, severe jaundice is quite difficult to treat. Therefore, every day, take a good look at your baby, in sunlight or fluorescent light, so you see if they have jaundice.

How to treat newborn jaundice

To treat newborn jaundice the best way, it needs to be detected early. Newborn jaundice can be treated by just watching your baby carefully while you wait for the jaundice to go away on its own. This works for babies with mild jaundice who are not otherwise sick and do not have any other problems. But to be sure your baby is not sick, let a doctor see them and give you that assurance.

Moderate and severe jaundice may be treated by putting your baby under special blue lights. This is known as phototherapy. If your baby has severe jaundice, your doctor may perform an exchange transfusion for your baby.

If your baby has an infection as well as jaundice, they will need treatment for the infection. Some babies may need special formula. Rarely, some babies may need thyroid hormone replacement, or surgery. Obviously, your doctor will take these decisions together with you.

The American Academy of Paediatrics cautions that putting your baby in sunlight is not a safe way to treat jaundice.

Jaundice in newborns can sound scary but need not be. The most important thing is to detect it early so it does not cause severe damage. Unfortunately, many babies die or suffer severe disability from newborn jaundice. Do not let that happen to your precious bundle of joy. Detect it early and seek early treatment.


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